Pledge $65 or more. Get an official movie date with the Director, AJ Oetman, for you and one other person! CLICK FOR MORE
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SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get an official movie date with the Director, AJ Oetman, for you and one other person! You'll get to pick a movie onscreen and get coffee with the Director to talk about the film making process. Plus, you'll get all the rewards offered in the $50 range! DISCLAIMER: You must provide your own transportation to one of the theaters within Lincoln, NE.
Estimated delivery: Jun 2014
SALE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Get an official movie date with the Director, AJ Oetman, for you and one other person! You'll get to pick a movie onscreen and get coffee with the Director to talk about the film making process. Plus, you'll get all the rewards offered in the $50 range! DISCLAIMER: You must provide your own transportation to one of the theaters within Lincoln, NE.
Estimated delivery: Jun 2014